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 FACT: The World is Collapsing.

Are you prepared to protect 
yourself and your family?

div2_by_souldriveDiscover my Ultimate 

Survival Step-by-Step Guide
black_blood_divider_by_flamingdeadman-d4gm4gnAnd thrive instead of being a victim

 FACT: The World is Collapsing.

Are you prepared to protect 
yourself and your family?

div2_by_souldriveDiscover my Ultimate 

Survival Step-by-Step Guide
black_blood_divider_by_flamingdeadman-d4gm4gnAnd thrive instead of being a victim
Book Cover Bundle Lossy

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Hey fellow Survivor



There’s so many awful stories all over the news. Horror stories all over the internet. Sometimes they’re so scary, so terrible you wonder if they’re really true.
In case you are NOT ALREADY CONVINCED these stories are true, come on. Stop lying to yourself. Look at this page’s video. I didn’t go out and took these myself to lie. These are real, rage footage of disaster and wars survivors. Not convinced? Look at the news. Go outside.
I won’t try to argue with you here. If not even a part of you is slightly aware of this… If you are still blind to what’s happening… I’m afraid this page is not for you. I wish you all the best (and wishing is all I can do for you unfortunately).
For the remaining people that are able to face the harsh and disturbing reality: let’s skim all the fear speech. I know you’re already aware of so much sht going on. I’m not here to terrorize you. It’s actually quite the opposite and I think you’ll be pretty happy to have stumbled upon this page!

Now, I know you’re smart enough to prepare for when SHTF.

Because it’s not a matter of ”if it happens” anymore, but a matter of ”WHEN” it will happen.

So are you sure you learned EVERYTHING you need to learn in order to survive? Are you sure you didn’t miss anything? Because you can’t afford making any mistakes when you’re in survival mode. These are often LIFE or DEATH situations. You’ve got to know your stuff right?

I’m asking because it took me so many years to gather all my knowledge. And I still have some to learn.

You need to know how to prepare yourself from A to Z before something bad happen – that’s another simple fact. You won’t have the time to learn if a gun is pressed on your head. You won’t have the time to learn is a huge wave is hitting your front door. You won’t have time to learn if an earthquake splits the ground in two between your feet. So you need to learn NOW. Not in a month. Not in a week. Not tomorrow. TODAY is the day you need to KEEP LEARNING about survival.

Thing is, it’s not so easy to learn every single thing about prepping. Let’s face it! There’s SO MUCH to learn and it’s pretty overwhelming. It can take you a lot of time. It can stres the heck out of you. Sometimes it’s also hard to figure out if what you’re reading is good or full of crap.

Well, lucky day, because this page will bring to you the most practical and comprehensive survival tips. All bulked at once. Skipping the useless and the BS. No more countless time wasted reading bad blog posts. No more BS marketing from companies. It’s covering every possible survival scenarios and how you can avoid them. Even better, how you can survive them! Sounds good for you? Because it sounds pretty good to me.

What you will learn on this page is EVERYTHING I learned over several years of intensive survival training. Packaged in this guide just for you, so you don’t have to go through all the work I’ve done to achieve this state.

Don’t want to read my story? 
See what the Ultimate Survival Guide offers right now!
(Click Here)

Don't give them what they want - don't let them kill you
Don’t give them what they want – don’t let them kill you

How to never be scared again, how to never feel defenseless, how to stay calm in difficult situations, how to survive any upcoming disasters… Trust me, even ISIS won’t make you budge anymore. You won’t care about a hurricane either. You’ll know what to do in such situations and will know how to protect your family.

You’ll see. But…Who am I to make these kind of statements?


I am Rick G.


I’d like to introduce myself to you. Not that it will blow your mind. I’m actually quite the normal guy – except for my uncommon skills.

I have been enjoying my life as an entrepreneur for the past 21 years.  I spent most of my life enjoying what I had. Truth is I never thought about the fact that it would one day go away. I mean, I saw the news all over the TV. What was happening all over the world, even next to my very city. People like me getting killed – murdered or simply crushed by falling buildings.
Former me. Present you?
So ”Are these stories true?” was not the question I was really asking myself. Because of course deep down I knew it was really happening. Even the government, not wanting to alarm the population, now gives loads and loads of (poor) information on surviving disasters and wars! The real question was…

”Do you really want to believe they are true?”

And oh god, oh no I didn’t want that. I wanted to leave peacefully, along with my friends and family, just enjoying the present moment. I didn’t want to be scared! I didn’t want to think about such awful things! I didn’t want to realize how fragile I was! Defenseless to a ****, lunatic terrorist… I just wanted to be happy!…

But… Even if I was avoiding thinking about it… I knew… I knew the world was getting worst and worst… I just couldn’t ignore it anymore…I heard about all these catastrophes…  All this hatred everywhere in the world…  All these terrorist attacks…  More and more information that the government was hiding is now made public…  

I have my two young kids to protect. I have my wife to protect. Heck, I have myself to protect. Would being lazy be an excuse not to prepare for this? Would turning a blind eye would be a good way to avoid my loved ones dying at the hands of some violent fanatics? Would I be able to ever forgive myself if my kid would get killed because I was not prepared? Because I couldn’t save him?


I refused to be scared!


Refused to be uncertain of my future! Refused to be feeling weak, unable to protect my family! Refused to be DEFENSELESS!156166-425x282-phone

I dropped everything I was doing. Everything that didn’t matter as much as SURVIVING. I started grabbing all the information I could on preparing for disasters and wars.  

If you’re scared, you can’t survive. You have to be calm to make the right decisions. So I decided to take MATTERS IN MY OWN HANDS. I wanted to be strong!




Now I’m on red alert for good. It’s about to happen…  SOON. But you won’t be a victim. And you won’t be standing there, waiting to die.

”I just saw my friends and family die. I couldn’t do anything but run…”

There are many heartbreaking stories like these coming from America

Submersions – Wildfires – Solar Storms – Earthquakes- Droughts – Hurricanes – Wars- Terrorist Attacks, etc… You need to be prepared for all of those possibilities.

As for me, researching these stories made me come to a single conclusion:  




Standing in line for hours at a FEMA disaster relief center to receive a government handout is not the way I want to spend the next few years… Hell no. I don’t want to be DEPENDENT of others to be able to breathe. But I know a true solution to the coming world-end crisis:      


Car bomb explosion in Haret Hreik, southern Beirut

You need to learn how to survive in times of disasters or in times of war… You need to learn how to stockpile food, purify water… You need to learn how to shelter yourself, how to stay warm so you don’t die of cold. You need to learn how to start a fire with barely anything… You need to know when and IF to Bug Out and what to have in your Bug Out bag! And you need to defend yourself and your family from harm! That includes knowing everything about knives, guns or any other improvised weapon you have underhand!

Overwhelming, isn’t it?

And it doesn’t even cover a fraction of what prepping is. So I started to search everywhere in libraries, internet, for information that could save me before the next disaster happen…  

Problem is, there was little information and I could tell most of it was bad – based on fantasies, saying you could survive with only a knife (which is NOT realistically possible…)  

…. And then I met Max.  

I was at the grocery store, picking up a massive amount of canned goods. Because you know, that’s what blogs tells you to do. Then this guy Max approached me and asked me:

‘’Do you really think that’s gonna be enough for the years to come?’’  

I answered back:download (5)

‘’Are you serious? Can’t you see how much cans I’m picking up?’’

And he simply answered…:

‘’Cans won’t save your life.’’  

This was such a simple statement, but it was so accurate…  Really, can cans save your life? You’re lucky if so.

At that moment I finally realized simply picking canned goods at the grocery store wouldn’t save my family’s life. I realized how ready random blog posts on internet wouldn’t really help me.

I realized that WHAT I NEEDED was someone to TEACH me so I could SKIP the learning curve of trial and errors!

That said, Max was already getting away, so I quickly reached out to him, asking if he could teach me a thing or two.  

Turns out Max was a 3rd generation survivalist living in San Joaquin County, California, one of the hardest hit by droughts agricultural areas in California. He invited me to his home and told me that even with limited information and help given by the government, he had his own strategy miracle that could get him and his family through any disaster. Since his first day alive, Max was trained every single day by his grandpa and father. He was getting better and better at everything needed at prepping for disasters…

He told me he was able to SURVIVE ANY EVENT – War, Natural Disaster, Terrorist Attacks, etc.

And I begged him to teach me!

Oh, how better would it be for someone to be able to answer all my questions! Share all his knowledge without messing around! Without making me click 50 pages, without making me wasting my time with tricks that don’t work. Without leaving me alone and afraid, not sure what to do next… I was desperate to save myself and my loved ones,
I KNEW something was coming soon, I knew I had to prepare. I had no time to waste with bad information!

He saw how motivated and how willing I was to learn,  

He told me ‘’Rick, because I don’t want you to fail at surviving what’s going to happen soon, I’ll show you my tricks.’’    


I can’t tell you how happy I was when he accepted to teach me. This was simply the best person I could have run into. Teaching me how to survive for every single situation I’d possibly encounter in an end-of-the-world upcoming scenario?!… Good enough for me. 

See, I did not only learn how to prepare for a hurricane or a drought – I was also prepared for an earthquake, lack of food, a terrorist attack, a sandstorm, a volcano eruption, a bomb, a nuclear attack, an upcoming war… EVERYTHING. Now, heck, I wasn’t scared anymore. I in fact never felt so sure of myself. Never felt so proud of my skills. Never felt so strong.

I became polyvalent and able to survive anything… Prepared to overcome any catastrophe… Able to save all my loved ones…

Right now, I’m not afraid of anything anymore

I know how to generate power, use cooking alternatives, how to do water filtration, stockpiling supplies, create fires out of nothing,  when to bug out, sanitation, how to treat wounds, how to communicate when all seems lost, how to defend my home and myself,.. Everything. Bring it to me, I’ll handle it.

I don’t want to sound like a douche but I was so passioned and I had such a great coach that I developed these skills really quickly. And I’m so exited to now be able to share them with you! It took me 4 years with this wonderful survivalist coach and lots of additional research to get where I am. I worked really hard to have all that knowledge and I’m happy I had the time to prepare for the end of days.


But I know it’s not the case for everyone. 

I mean, I got lucky to stumble on such an expert like Max. I also got lucky to realized I needed that knowledge before SHTF.

I know it might not be the case for you.

Do you really think you can survive anything right now? Do you really think you’ll have the time to do extensive research like I did?

No… Of course not…




01After a few years sitting down on my knowledge, a real mountain of gold, I realized what a huge mistake I was doing. I thought about all the other civilians that were still like old me, with little ways to protect themselves.

I would feel awful if I didn’t share this golden information with you. I would feel like a monster if I would let my fellow patriot die from misinformation. I knew I had to share these techniques to all the people like you, willing to survive. It would be unacceptable for me to keep this information to myself!

So I wrote down everything Max taught me. It’s my turn to teach you how to survive anything.

I can teach you how to never be a victim with these ultimate survival tricks.

I can teach you how to protect all the people you love.



‘’PREPARE OR PERISH’’ firstly covers the first thing any survivor and prepper needs to begin with: Prepping as a Beginner. 

index_tickmPrepping as a beginner

For our non-preppers here, this chapter’s for you. Avoid getting lost in the (not-so-good) massive amount of information available . Stop wasting your precious time and get right into the good stuff. Avoid making fatal mistakes. Not dying because of a stupid, non-researched blog post is a good start. Get started on the right foot and don’t get discouraged! And start learning right now, right there, and be able to save lives right away
index_tickmThe Mentality of Prepping and Survival

Get the right mindset and that way be more likely to survive with the right thoughts. Also don’t get fooled by anyone that may try to cheat you and protect yourself. Be prepared for any disasters so you act faster instead of freezing in place and wasting precious seconds. Don’t succumb to the situation by thinking you can’t get through it

index_tickmThe Bug Out Bag

When all seems to be heading to a bad, bad way, you can simply leave. You don’t have to withstand these awful events. But you’ve got to be quick on your feet if you don’t want to end up caught with several other fleeing people. Learn how to build a survival pack that will keep you alive during emergencies. That pack will allow you to leave ASAP without risking precious seconds that could save your life by being ready to leave on-the-go: Evacuate quickly when you need to!

index_tickmWhat you Really Need to Survive

Learn the four basic needs you need to fulfill to survive. Focus your efforts on these before all so you don’t die. Know what’s useful and not useful to your survival – stop wasting your time with things that don’t matter. Be ready to get rid of things that would slow you down and really understand what’s like to be a real survivor. Really, there’s a few basics you need to fulfill. And this guide shows you exactly how to do it.
index_tickmOften Forgotten Survival Needs  

Needs that are often forgotten but which are extremely important to survive long-term – Don’t die because of a silly situation like an infection: Stay healthy at all time. You don’t want to only be able to crawl to get out of a tricky situation, do you?
 index_tickmTease In or Bug Out?

It’s not always the best to run from a situation. Sometimes it’s better to stay and fight. But how do you know that? Learn the difference! Know if it’s better for you to stand your ground or run. Survive longer – Save your efforts if you can’t win or if the fight is not worth it and avoid putting your family and yourself in a dangerous situation  

BUT WAIT! I’m also throwing these in…

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Because I KNOW you are someone that CAN SURVIVE the upcoming disasters, I’m adding some bonuses so you’re SURE you’re prepared!
index_tickmBonus eBook: Prepare or Perish: First Steps  03

Learn the basic methods you need to acquire to survive. Learn about Water, Purifying Water, Food, Heating, Cooking, Generating Power, Lights, Medical Supplies, Batteries, Gas, Barter Goods, Food Storage, Oxygen… Easy-to-learn to-do techniques that are essential to your survival
index_tickmThe Bug out Bag Checklist  

Don’t forget a single item for your bug-out bag. Don’t die because of something you forgot. Save yourself the hassle of searching through the whole book and bring it with you at the store so you’re sure to have everything in one trip


A quick glance over the mind maps will remind you of everything you’ve learnt  – Don’t forget anything – don’t die. Also remind yourself of something fast if you don’t have the time to research! You don’t have to go back through the whole book again to refresh your mind  

And 6 of my personal, preferred eBooks…
These will however be a surprise for you to check on. I’m pretty sure you’ll be blown away. Yes, it sounds like a crazy deal because it is. These complete my books so nicely I simply HAVE to send them to you.


Don’t just take my word for it!


Alex G.


Keep in mind your much appreciated contribution will keep this website running and help spread the knowledge of the coming catastrophe so that many more will be saved.

If you bought all these similar guides somewhere else, you’d spend over $2550. But if you download today, it’s only $39.

For just
$39$19 (LAUNCH PRICE) you will get the “PREPARE OR PERISH” program… And you’ll know not only how to survive Natural disasters… but also a food shortage, a mass pandemic violent riots and an enemy invasion all at the same time.

Yes, just
$39$19. Why? While it took me a lot of time, efforts, luck and trials before getting where I am, I am here now.

I can save a lot of lives with these survival tricks right now. And that’s what matters to me.

Not money. Not taking your month’s pay like some people would do, claiming to be some short of guru.

I want you to survive and I have the means to teach you. So yes, I’m giving this training away just for
$39$19 and I’m more than happy to do it.

Book Cover Bundle Lossy


You can only get “Prepare or Perish” program here if you click the “BUY NOW” button now. This course will not be available anywhere else and there’s no way of telling how much longer this presentation is going to be up.

My mission throughout this presentation is simple. Let people know and get them to prepare.

As any good Patriot I’m willing to take all the risk here and give you my “no questions asked money back guarantee” for a full 2 months.

Here’s what it’s about: Go through the course… read it, see if you find it helpful and send us any questions or any kind of advice you might have…

When you’re done I want you to be 100% safe, secure and happy about your investment. If for any reason at all you want to get your money back… you will get them ASAP…. In as little as 48 hours… guaranteed.

You don’t even have to answer any questions. Simply send me a quick email answering back the email I will send you with your download in the next 60 days and I’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Now that you know of all the scientist’s predictions for the world, you can’t just stand by and do nothing…

Throughout history all those who have not listened to the warnings have suffered immensely…

Book Cover Bundle Lossy


This is a real solution to survive these disasters like the world has never seen.

And this program will allow you to keep calm, collected when the rest of the world panics… When the rest of your neighbors are forced to barbecue all the meat they have in their fridges…you’ll know the secrets to store it so your family won’t starve next week.

And of course, your family’s going to have all the drinkable water you want…When others will die of dehydration or drinking dirty water… you’ll have enough water to cook, drink and shower.

Plus, you’ll discover simple techniques to keep you and your family protected against looters, criminals, and even the foreign invaders.





The first choice, doing nothing, might seem like the easiest one right now.  

I, like many others pray these natural catastrophes would just end but you have seen the irrefutable scientific evidence that shows this crisis will not end for many years. And I wish I could think that the Government would have the people’s best interest in mind… But over the past few years we have seen it deceive, manipulate and take our freedoms away.  

When hurricane Katrina hit, those who were unprepared suffered immensely…and their families were left with with no food, no water and at the mercy of FEMA. You don’t want to end up like that.  

The second option is to try to do it all by yourself. You would have to figure out how to survive and prepare all by yourself and how and which things to focus on….

My coach learned everything about these methods during a period of 24 years… That’s a lot of time and by the looks of all these disasters… You might not have that time. Or you could find your own coach… if you happen to have $5000 lying around only to find these good preppers because they all hide…

Or you can just give “Prepare or Perish”… the complete guide towards survival a try…  

Techniques that are proven to be efficient in times of catastrophes and wars, lists of everything you simply need to have to survive, a checklist so you make sure you don’t forget anything and die because of that single mistake… The very way to save yourself and your family.  


All this is just one click away…  

Having second thoughts? Please give me the time to answer them

”A book won’t save my life, Rick”
No, a book surely won’t save your life. But good knowledge will! This book contains all the knowledge I gained over several years of being directly coached by an expert survivalist. It’s everything I ever acquired – it’s huge, yet compact and practical. Nobody will survive what’s coming without prior techniques and preparedness unless they are incredibly lucky. Don’t take your chances to fall into that category. Learn how to defend yourself right now! 

”But even with so much information, where do I start?
I know! Prepping is so overwhelming, for beginners and veterans alike. There’s so much to cover, so much things to think about! That’s why I wrote an eBook just for that. It will allow you to focus on what’s the most important and it will tell you, step by step, how to do it. No more running after your tail, no more headaches, no more worries and sleepless nights. You got everything covered and the checklists provided will make sure you don’t forget a single thing.

”Ok, I get it. I need to prepare. But I don’t have the time…It’s too much to do.”
That, right here, is a myth my friend. Because while prepping has a lot of things to cover, you can survive with the basics. Once you’ve got the IMPORTANT things figured out, the rest comes easily to you. And yes, we might not have so much time to prepare. And yes, we have busy lives (work, wife/husband, kids, parents, hobbies, etc.). I understand that. So I made sure I wrote it like a gradual process that will not overwhelm you. It’s really easy to follow and you go as you please. Plus, the PDF format will allow you to continue your reading any time.

Also. What do you prefer. Spending a few minutes a day reading or 24 hours a day being dead? Your choice.

”Rick. I’ve never met you. How can I know if I should trust you or not?”
We never met indeed. And we most likely never will (I really don’t want my true identity to be blasted all over the web for prepping reasons). I however gave as much information about myself as I could without compromising my privacy. Heck, even more than I wished, but I loved typing this page so much. So what’s on here is what it is. No BS. I hate BS. I hate scammers. I hate people that are out here only for the money. So you choose whether to trust me or not with these facts. If you’re still not sure – and it’s perfectly fine! – you can use the 60-days guarantee if you are not satisfied. If you don’t want to trust me even with this – I’m afraid no prepper will ever be able to help you learn new tips.

Stay alive,
– Rick G.

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